Please use the contact form on the right side if you have any question or comments, concerning our services. We will respond to your message within 24 hours.
We are available from 8:30am - 5:30pm PST, Monday-Friday. If you need to get in touch with us outside our working hours, email is the best way or you can call our toll free number at 888.559.8888 Ext.119
713 W. Duarte Road, #G-167
Arcadia, CA 91007
626.574.7900 Ext.119
(office hours)
Toll Free
888.559.8888 Ext.119
(24 hours, 7 days a week)
rental & leasing
626.574.7900 Ext.111
(office hours)
Toll Free
888.559.8888 Ext.111
(24 hours, 7 days a week)
Please use the contact form on the right side if you have any question or comments, concerning our services. We will respond to your message within 24 hours.
We are available from 8:30am - 5:30pm PST, Monday-Friday. If you need to get in touch with us outside our working hours, email is the best way or you can call our toll free number at 888.559.8888 Ext.119
713 W. Duarte Road, #G-167
Arcadia, CA 91007
Maintenance & Repair
626.574.7900 Ext.112
(office hours)
Toll Free
888.559.8888 Ext.112
(24 hours, 7 days a week)
Accounting & Rent Payment
626.574.7900 Ext.113
(office hours)
Toll Free
888.559.8888 Ext.113
(24 hours, 7 days a week)
Pay Rent
Call In
626.574.7900 Ext.113 than press "5"
(office hours)
Report Issue & File Complaint
626.574.7900 Ext.114
(office hours)
Toll Free
888.559.8888 Ext.114
(24 hours, 7 days a week)
Please use the contact form on the right side if you have any question or comments, concerning our services. We will respond to your message within 24 hours.
We are available from 8:30am - 5:30pm PST, Monday-Friday. If you need to get in touch with us outside our working hours, email is the best way or you can call our toll free number at 888.559.8888 Ext.119
713 W. Duarte Road, #G-167
Arcadia, CA 91007
Maintenance & Repair
626.574.7900 Ext.112
(office hours)
Toll Free
888.559.8888 Ext.112
(24 hours, 7 days a week)
Accounting & Billing
626.574.7900 Ext.113
(office hours)
Toll Free
888.559.8888 Ext.113
(24 hours, 7 days a week)
Please use the contact form on the right side if you have any question or comments, concerning our services. We will respond to your message within 24 hours.
We are available from 8:30am - 5:30pm PST, Monday-Friday. If you need to get in touch with us outside our working hours, email is the best way or you can call our toll free number at 888.559.8888 Ext.119
713 W. Duarte Road, #G-167
Arcadia, CA 91007
Legal & By-Law
626.574.7900 Ext.114
(office hours)
Toll Free
888.559.8888 Ext.114
(24 hours, 7 days a week)
Accounting & Finnance
626.574.7900 Ext.113
(office hours)
Toll Free
888.559.8888 Ext.113
(24 hours, 7 days a week)
Maintenance & Improvement
626.574.7900 Ext.112
(office hours)
Toll Free
888.559.8888 Ext.112
(24 hours, 7 days a week)